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All writers are vulnerable—an innocent typo or an ambiguous turn of phrase can be detrimental to your message. Even flying one degree off can lead you hundreds of miles off course.

It’s just about having the right copilots.

I offer content writing, online proofreading, and professional book editing services.

For more information on what I do (and don’t do), go to the FAQ page.

Nonfiction Book Editing

Nonfiction can revolutionize people’s lives. But only if your message gets across clearly. If you’ve lived something exceptional, be it through your conscious business, music, travels, spiritual journey, or your transformational conversation with a dolphin, you’ve got a story that I want to help you tell. Your self-help book, personal development book, autobiography, or memoir is brimming with potential that I want to tap.

I consume nonfiction literature with the same enthusiasm that Pico has for car rides and running in the backyard.

Business Editing

Self-published books are one way to reach your readers. But it’s not the only way. Blog posts, web copy, newsletters, and webinars are other methods for landing your message on target. Even smaller-scale content still should be concise, error-free, and convey your values effectively. As your copilot, I don’t let any step fall through the cracks.


Content Writing & Editing

The hard part about getting your message out is keeping up with the fast-paced world of content creation. I help you write your blog posts, your e-books, or other content to keep your audience engaged while you craft your masterpiece.

Content editing includes copyediting and line editing, but I take a bigger step back and check for clarity and consistency at the paragraph level. We’ll check the structure of your writing so that it flows logically and that your piece makes sense as a whole.


Copyediting and Line Editing

Copyediting is what most people consider simple editing. This is where I check for PUGS (punctuation, usage, grammar, spelling), make sure your foot is where it should be (the polar opposite of your mouth [i.e., fact-checking]), and align your manuscript with The Chicago Manual of Style, the standard in book publishing, or other style guide(s) as required.

Line editing is where I take your questionable phrasings and I rewrite, rephrase, and rework (all while keeping your voice and style) until we’re all on the same page. At this stage, I make sure you aren’t repeating yourself, blabbering, or leaning too far toward the mad side of mad genius.


Proofreading (Limited Availability)

You’ve made it through the writing, the editing, the typesetting and design, but it’s not time to put your feet up just yet! Writing a spotless manuscript is about as simple as landing your 138-foot-long 737 onto a 10-foot-wide tarmac.

While content and line editing dives into the nitty-gritty of your message, style, and impact, proofreading is the final stage of the publishing process. This is where I check to make sure that copyediting errors are caught and no new errors have been introduced into your text during the last steps of the whole affair.

Ever started reading a book, saw one s where it shouldn’t be, rolled your eyes, and declared it a fraud? Yeah, let’s not let one little curvy line destroy your life’s work. Consider proofreading the A-OK for your work be devoured by public eyes.


Looking for a copilot to help you land? Fill out this form to get a free, no-obligation quote.

Terms and conditions apply.